Medical examination

The first step towards beauty and health.

The Importance of Cancer Screening Physical Examinations

The main purpose is to conduct early cancer screening. Cancer, also known as malignant neoplasm in Chinese medicine, is a disease caused by the malfunction of the mechanism that controls cell growth and proliferation. Cancer cells are characterized by unrestricted and endless proliferation, which causes massive depletion of nutrients in the patient's body; cancer cells release a variety of toxins, causing a series of symptoms in the human body; cancer cells can also metastasize to grow and multiply in various parts of the body, resulting in emaciation, weakness, anemia, loss of appetite, fever and serious impairment of organ functions. In contrast, benign tumors are easy to remove, generally do not metastasize and do not recur, and only have the effect of squeezing and blocking organs and tissues, but cancer (malignant tumors) can also destroy the structure and function of tissues and organs, causing necrosis and bleeding combined with infection, and patients eventually die due to organ failure. World health care organizations have been treating the prevention and treatment of cancer as the top problem in the medical field. For the treatment of early stage cancer, the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy can prevent the spread of cancer cells in the developed countries. However, for the early detection and treatment of cancer, eliminating cancer in the bud is the most important part of safeguarding our health.

Medical examination process

We offer a full range of one-stop services from consultation to return visits
Consultation and development of a program

Contact the hospital for a consultation and customize a medical examination program

Confirmation of date & departure procedures

Contact the hospital to set the date for the medical examination and submit for all visa procedures


2 weeks before the checkup: A doctor will contact you for a consultation and send you the relevant notes

Travel guidance

Guidance on travel precautions, arrangement and implementation of accommodation and car service

Medical examination

A professional interpreter accompanies the whole process to communicate with the doctor without any obstacles

Medical examination report

Send the original medical examination report and translation by mail, and arrange a professional doctor to interpret the report in depth

Regular return visits

Professional doctors make regular return visits to answer questions


Contact the hospital for a consultation and customize a medical examination program


Contact the hospital to set the date for the medical examination and submit for all visa procedures


2 weeks before the checkup: A doctor will contact you for a consultation and send you the relevant notes


Guidance on travel precautions, arrangement and implementation of accommodation and car service


A professional interpreter accompanies the whole process to communicate with the doctor without any obstacles


Send the original medical examination report and translation by mail, and arrange a professional doctor to interpret the report in depth


Professional doctors make regular return visits to answer questions

Examination Types

Urine Routine

Routine urine examination includes urine color, clarity, acidity, red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, tubular type, protein, specific gravity and urine sugar characterization.

Routine urine is a preliminary examination that should not be neglected in clinical practice. Many kidney lesions can appear early with proteinuria or with fractions in the urine sediment. Once urinary abnormalities are detected, they are often the first indication of kidney or urinary tract disease and are often an important clue to the nature of the pathological process. In recent years there has been a lot of emphasis on the fact that the physician in charge should do his own routine urinalysis of the patient as a general diagnostic method to facilitate the physician's detection of kidney disease.

Chest X-ray

Chest X-ray, known as fluorescence fluoroscopy, is a commonly used X-ray examination method. Because of the difference in density and thickness of human tissues, when X-rays penetrate different tissues of the body, the X-rays are absorbed differently, so the amount of X-rays reaching the screen differs, forming images with different black and white contrasts, which provide a basis for the doctor's diagnosis.

Static electrocardiogram

Electrocardiography, the heart is excited by the pacing point, atria, and ventricles in succession during each cardiac cycle, accompanied by bioelectric changes, and the graph of multiple forms of potential changes (referred to as ECG) is elicited from the body surface by means of an electrocardiographic tracer. ECG is an objective indicator of the process of occurrence, propagation and recovery of cardiac excitation. ECG is the earliest, most commonly used and basic diagnostic method in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease.

Gynecological examination

A gynecological examination consists of a general examination, an abdominal examination and a pelvic examination. It examines the vulva, vagina, cervix and uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and parametrial tissues and the inner wall of the pelvic cavity. The main function is to make early diagnosis, prevention and early treatment of some gynecological diseases. The gynecological examination is different from other departments, and the pelvic examination is unique to gynecological examinations. It is important for women to go to a regular hospital for professional examination after finding out that they are infected with gynecological diseases, and it is also important to have annual medical checkups.

Kidney function three items

Blood creatinine: Creatinine is a small molecule that can be filtered through the glomerulus and is rarely absorbed in the renal tubules. Almost all of the creatinine produced in the body daily is excreted in the urine and is generally not affected by urine volume. Clinical testing of blood creatinine is one of the main methods commonly used to understand kidney function.

Urea nitrogen: Urea nitrogen is the main end product of protein metabolism in the body. Like blood creatinine, in the early stages of renal impairment, blood urea nitrogen can be in the normal range. It is only when the glomerular filtration rate falls below 50% of normal that the blood urea nitrogen concentration rises rapidly. Under normal conditions, the ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine (BUN/Scr) value is about 10. High protein diet, high catabolic state, water shortage, renal ischemia, blood volume deficiency and some acute glomerulonephritis can make the ratio increase, even up to 20-30; while low protein diet, liver disease often make the ratio decrease, at this time can be called hypoazotemia.
Uric acid: old cells in the body, and food, especially purine-rich food (such as animal offal, seafood, etc.) in the metabolic process in the body, its nucleic acid oxidation decomposition products have purine (this endogenous purine accounted for 80% of the total purine). After purine is produced in the body, it is oxidized again in the liver to (2,6,8-trioxopurine), also known as uric acid. 2/3 of uric acid is excreted in the urine through the kidneys, and 1/3 is excreted through feces and sweat. It can be seen that purine is the metabolic product of oxidative breakdown of nucleic acid, while uric acid is the metabolic end product of purine.

Lipid dichotomy

The lipid dichotomy test makes reference to total cholesterol and triglycerides.

Hepatitis B Two-To-Half

Hepatitis B HBV-DNA is the most commonly used serum marker to detect hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in domestic hospitals. There are 3 pairs of hepatitis B virus immunological markers, namely surface antigen (HBsAg) and surface antibody (anti-HBs or HBsAb), e antigen (HBeAg) and e antibody (anti-HBe or HBeAb), and core antigen (HBcAg) and core antibody (anti-HBc or HBcAb). The significance of the hepatitis B two-to-one test, also known as the five hepatitis B tests, is to check whether you are infected with hepatitis B and the specifics of the infection, and to distinguish between major and minor triplets.

Carcinoembryonic antigen

Carcino-embryonic antigen is a glycoprotein produced by colorectal cancer tissue that acts as an antigen to elicit an immune response in patients. This antigen, called carcino-embryonic antigen CEA, can be found widely in digestive system cancers of endodermal origin, as well as in the digestive tract tissue of normal embryos, and can be present in trace amounts in normal human serum. Carcino-embryonic antigen is a broad-spectrum tumor marker that reflects to people the presence of many kinds of tumors and is a better tumor marker for judging the efficacy, disease development, monitoring and prognosis estimation of colorectal cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer, but its specificity is not strong, its sensitivity is not high, and its role in early tumor diagnosis is not obvious.

Phenylalanine Aminotransferase

An enzyme involved in the metabolism of human proteins (equivalent to a catalyst in industrial production), plays a role in accelerating the conversion of proteins and amino acids in the body, and is widely present in various tissues and organs of the human body. Organs. Muscle. It is widely found in various tissues, organs, muscles and bones, and is most abundant in the cytoplasm of liver cells. The normal reference values of ALT in serum are: 9-51 U/L for men and 8-41 U/L for women (the reference values are not exactly the same due to different testing methods in different hospitals). When various tissues and organs in the body are active or diseased, the ALT in them will be released into the blood, causing the serum ALT level to increase. For example, when the liver is inflamed, transaminase is released from the liver cells into the blood, and when the liver is diseased, serum transaminase must increase, and when there is inflammation in one thousand liver cells, the serum transaminase level will more than double, so the serum transaminase amount is an important indicator of the degree of liver disease.

Ultrasound of liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and kidney

Ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas can check for enlargement, inflammation, stones and masses in these areas. For example, liver cancer, cirrhosis, gallstones, splenomegaly, pancreatitis, etc. can be detected by ultrasound.

Breast Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is mainly used to check lobular hyperplasia, inflammation, cysts, fibroids and breast cancer, especially in identifying the benignity and malignancy of breast lumps, detecting early breast cancer and checking whether there are enlarged lymph nodes in the axilla and supraclavicular area, which can provide a reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Cervical TCT

The so-called cervical TCT, which is the abbreviation of liquid-based thin-layer cell testing, is a liquid-based thin-layer cell testing system to detect cervical cells and perform tbs cytology classification diagnosis, which is the most advanced cervical cancer cytology examination technology in the international arena, and it significantly improves the satisfaction of specimens and the detection rate of abnormal cervical cells compared with the traditional Pap smear examination, and the detection rate of cervical cancer cells The detection rate of cervical cancer cells is 100%, and precancerous lesions can also be detected.

Gynecologic pelvic ultrasound

Female pelvic ultrasound mainly examines the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and to see if there is pelvic fluid.

Lateral cervical spine film

The focus is on observing the physiological curvature of the cervical spine, intervertebral space changes, bone spurs and measuring the sagittal diameter of the vertebral body and the sagittal diameter of the spinal canal. Loss of cervical physiological curvature or reverse convexity to the posterior is often indicative of acute injuries such as acute cervical disc herniation or cervical or neurogenic cervical spondylosis (especially in the acute phase)

Prostate ultrasound

Ultrasound of the prostate is a type of ultrasound examination of the prostate gland. Ultrasound of the prostate gland is more helpful than X-ray or CT in determining the location, size, morphology, and extent of intraglandular invasion of prostate cancer. It can also help to determine the size of the prostate, whether there are calcifications, cysts, or occupying lesions.

Urological ultrasound

It can check stones, inflammation, masses, adhesions, etc. in the urinary system.

Prostate specific antigen PSA

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a single-chain glycoprotein containing 237 amino acid residues produced by the endoplasmic vesicles of prostate epithelial cells, with a molecular weight of about 34 kD, and is functionally a serine protease belonging to the kinase-like releasing enzymes. PSA is found in the endoplasmic reticulum of the prostate and in the epithelial cells and secretions of the prostate. PSA is contained in both normal and diseased prostate tissue, and the PSA content of individual cells is relatively constant. PSA can be inactivated by the binding of α1-anti-chymotrypsin and α2-macroglobulin, and there is usually no or only a very small amount of PSA in the blood.